Half of Americans Believe Middle Class is Not Benefiting from Biden Policies, According to Monmouth Poll

Half of Americans Believe Middle Class is Not Benefiting from Biden Policies, According to Monmouth Poll

A recent Monmouth poll has revealed that half of Americans believe that the middle class is not benefiting from President Biden’s policies. The poll, which was conducted in early August, surveyed 802 adults across the United States.

The results of the poll show that 50% of Americans believe that the middle class is not benefiting from President Biden’s policies, while only 36% believe that they are. The remaining 14% were unsure.

This is a significant finding, as President Biden has made it clear that he wants to prioritize the middle class in his policies. In fact, during his campaign, he promised to “build back better” for the middle class and to create a more equitable economy.

However, the Monmouth poll suggests that many Americans do not believe that he is delivering on this promise. This could be due to a number of factors, including the slow pace of economic recovery, rising inflation, and concerns about the impact of government spending on the national debt.

It is worth noting that the poll also found that there are significant partisan differences in how Americans view President Biden’s policies. Among Democrats, 63% believe that the middle class is benefiting from his policies, while only 13% of Republicans and 29% of independents share this view.

This suggests that perceptions of President Biden’s policies are heavily influenced by political affiliation. It also highlights the challenge that he faces in trying to build broad support for his agenda.

Overall, the Monmouth poll provides valuable insights into how Americans view President Biden’s policies and their impact on the middle class. While there are certainly concerns among many Americans, it is important to remember that perceptions can change over time as the economy continues to recover and the effects of government policies become clearer.