Informational title: Understanding the Rutgers Faculty and Staff Strike

Informational title: Understanding the Rutgers Faculty and Staff Strike

On March 10th, 2022, thousands of faculty and staff members at Rutgers University went on strike. The strike was called by the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), who represent the faculty and staff at Rutgers. The strike was in response to the university’s refusal to negotiate a fair contract for its employees.

The strike affected all three Rutgers campuses, including New Brunswick, Newark, and Camden. Faculty and staff members picketed outside of buildings, while students and supporters joined them in solidarity. The strike lasted for four days, during which time classes were canceled, and many services were disrupted.

So, what led to this strike? The main issue was the university’s refusal to negotiate a fair contract for its employees. The faculty and staff at Rutgers have been working without a contract since July 2020. The AFT and AAUP have been negotiating with the university for over a year, but the university has refused to budge on many key issues.

One of the main issues is salary. The faculty and staff at Rutgers are some of the lowest-paid in the Big Ten Conference. They are also paid less than their counterparts at other universities in New Jersey. The AFT and AAUP have been pushing for a significant pay increase to bring Rutgers in line with other universities.

Another issue is job security. Many faculty and staff members at Rutgers are employed on a part-time or temporary basis, which means they do not have job security or benefits. The AFT and AAUP have been pushing for more full-time positions and better job security for all employees.

The strike was not just about salary and job security, however. It was also about respect and recognition. The faculty and staff at Rutgers feel that they are not being valued by the university administration. They feel that their contributions to the university are not being recognized, and that they are being treated as expendable.

The strike was a powerful display of solidarity and strength. It showed that the faculty and staff at Rutgers are willing to fight for what they believe in. It also showed that they have the support of their students and the broader community.

In the end, the strike was successful. The AFT and AAUP were able to negotiate a new contract with the university that included significant pay increases, better job security, and more full-time positions. The faculty and staff at Rutgers can now feel more secure in their jobs and know that their contributions to the university are valued.

The Rutgers faculty and staff strike was a powerful reminder of the importance of unions and collective bargaining. It showed that when workers come together, they can achieve great things. It also showed that universities need to value their employees and treat them with respect. Hopefully, other universities will take note of what happened at Rutgers and work to improve the working conditions of their own faculty and staff.