“Monmouth Poll Reveals 40% of Democrats Favor Biden’s Retirement in 2024”

"Monmouth Poll Reveals 40% of Democrats Favor Biden's Retirement in 2024"

A recent Monmouth University poll has revealed that 40% of Democrats favor Joe Biden’s retirement in 2024. The poll, which was conducted between August 6th and 10th, surveyed 810 adults in the United States, including 341 Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents.

While Biden has not yet announced his plans for the 2024 election, the poll suggests that a significant portion of his own party may not want him to run for reelection. This is particularly notable given that Biden has only been in office for less than a year, and has not yet completed a full term.

The poll also found that 51% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents would prefer to see a new face as the party’s nominee in 2024, rather than Biden or any other current Democratic politician. This suggests that there is a desire for fresh leadership within the party, rather than relying on established figures.

However, it is important to note that the poll only represents a snapshot in time, and attitudes may shift as the 2024 election approaches. Additionally, it is possible that Biden may choose not to run for reelection, regardless of public opinion.

The poll also revealed some interesting insights into the current state of American politics more broadly. For example, it found that 52% of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance, while 42% disapprove. This is a slight improvement from Monmouth’s previous poll in June, which found that 48% approved of Biden’s job performance.

The poll also found that 56% of Americans believe that the country is on the wrong track, while only 37% believe it is headed in the right direction. This suggests that there is a significant level of dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs in the United States.

Overall, the Monmouth poll provides a fascinating glimpse into the current attitudes of Americans towards politics and leadership. While it remains to be seen whether Biden will run for reelection in 2024, it is clear that there is a desire for change within the Democratic party, and a sense that the country is in need of new direction.