The Growing Support for Striking RWJUH Nurses in Week Two – Insider NJ

The Growing Support for Striking RWJUH Nurses in Week Two - Insider NJ

Title: The Growing Support for Striking RWJUH Nurses in Week Two: A Battle for Fairness and Patient Care


In the ongoing battle for fair working conditions and improved patient care, the striking nurses at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) have entered their second week of protests. The strike, which began on September 30th, has gained significant attention and support from various stakeholders, including fellow healthcare workers, community members, and even political figures. This article aims to shed light on the reasons behind the strike, the growing support it has garnered, and the potential implications for both the hospital and the broader healthcare industry.

The Nurses’ Demands:

At the heart of the strike are the nurses’ demands for improved staffing levels, better wages, and increased resources to ensure optimal patient care. The nurses argue that the current staffing ratios at RWJUH are inadequate, leading to burnout, compromised patient safety, and increased nurse turnover. They also highlight the need for competitive wages to attract and retain skilled nursing professionals. Additionally, the nurses are advocating for increased access to necessary equipment and supplies to enhance patient care outcomes.

Growing Support:

The striking nurses have received widespread support from various quarters. Fellow healthcare workers, including doctors, technicians, and other hospital staff, have shown solidarity by joining picket lines and voicing their concerns about the working conditions at RWJUH. Many recognize that the nurses’ fight is not only about their own well-being but also about ensuring quality care for patients.

Community members have also rallied behind the striking nurses, organizing fundraisers, providing food and supplies, and participating in informational campaigns to raise awareness about the issues at hand. Local businesses have offered discounts and support to show their solidarity. The community’s support demonstrates a shared belief in the importance of fair treatment for healthcare professionals and the impact it has on overall patient care.

Political figures have also taken notice of the strike, with several expressing their support for the nurses’ cause. State and local legislators have visited the picket lines, promising to advocate for improved staffing ratios and better working conditions. Their involvement highlights the broader implications of the strike, as it brings attention to the need for systemic changes within the healthcare industry.


The ongoing strike at RWJUH has significant implications for both the hospital and the healthcare industry as a whole. The nurses’ demands reflect a growing concern among healthcare professionals regarding staffing shortages, burnout, and patient safety. If their demands are not met, it could lead to further nurse turnover and potential disruptions in patient care.

Moreover, the strike serves as a wake-up call for hospitals across the country to reassess their staffing policies and invest in their nursing workforce. The shortage of nurses is a nationwide issue, and the RWJUH strike highlights the urgent need for hospitals to address this problem proactively.


As the striking nurses at RWJUH enter their second week of protests, their fight for fair working conditions and improved patient care has gained significant support from various stakeholders. The growing solidarity among healthcare workers, community members, and political figures underscores the importance of addressing the systemic issues within the healthcare industry. The outcome of this strike will not only impact the nurses at RWJUH but also set a precedent for future negotiations and reforms in the broader healthcare sector.